The TAPAS network hosted a workshop at Healthy Buildings Europe to discuss ‘Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools'. Complimenting the conference theme 'Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries' we invited speakers from across the globe to speak on this topic. Our speakers covered a range of indoor environmental quality in schools topics including monitoring, interventions, schools engagement and communications, improving IEQ at low cost and the benefits of investing in these improvements. Speaker presentations can be viewed and downloaded here.
This workshop was well attended and instigated some interesting discussion. We hope to further develop our network across the globe and continue to facilitate a cross-border transfer of knowledge by setting up a new Global TAPAS Network.
Workshop programme
Our workshop kicked off with presentations from our four international speakers, followed by a panel discussion chaired by Nicola Carslaw (Professor in Indoor Air Chemistry at the University of York), Henry Burridge (Senior Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London), and Patricia Fabian (Associate Professor of Environmental Health, Boston University School of Public Health). We then used an online collaborative tool to pose the following questions to our audience:
Responses to these questions were collected and a summary in graph format can be viewed below.
The 'Tackling Air Pollution At School' (TAPAS) network has been active in the UK for 3 years, but tackling air pollution in schools is a global issue. We would like to invite our international colleagues to join a new network of researchers, policy makers, campaigners, school leaders, engineers and more, working to improve conditions in and around schools, including but not limited to: air quality, environmental quality, air pollution, building design, behavioural change, & interventions. By connecting people across the globe, we can share experiences, knowledge, and best practices to help find solutions. Please help us connect by sharing this network with your colleagues.
Speaker 1: Dr Sarah West is the Director of the Stockholm Environment Institute, a science-to-policy research institute based at the University of York. Sarah is currently leading the schools engagement part of the SAMHE project (Schools Air quality Monitoring for Health and Education) in the UK.
Schools' Air Quality Monitoring for Health & Education (pptx)
DownloadSpeaker 2: Professor Jørn Toftum is a Professor of ventilation at the technical University of Denmark. His presentation summarizes the results of intervention studies completed over the past few years. Jørn discussed how the interventions affected pupil well-being and performance, and how the wider benefits from the improvement compare against pupil's well-being and running costs.
Prepping decision makers – estimating the value of the wider benefits of improved IEQ in classrooms (pptx)
DownloadSpeaker 3: Runming Yao is a Professor in Sustainable Built Environments at the University of Reading and a Guest Professor at Chongqing University in China. Runming talked on prioritising actions for improving school classroom air quality based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, looking at case studies in China and the UK.
Files coming soon.
Speaker 4: Dr Koen Tieskens is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Boston University School of Public Health. Dr Tieskens talked on indoor air quality projects as part of the Boston Public Schools programme.
Files coming soon.